CyberSecurity Services
To articulate an effective computer emergency response
protectecting critical information infrastructure, as well as
reducing international vulnerabilities through cybersecurity
assurance framework.
We identify and analyse cybercrime data from annual reports,various official crime measurement tools,victimization surveys, historical cybersecurity incidents, their types, frequency and impact.
First responders such as enforcement agents, digital forensics experts, priviate investigators, prosecutors and information technology specialists tasked with responding to cybercrime incidents are under our Employ.
Knowledge management promotes ways to deal with the obstacles to cybercrime investigations that concern the human and technical resources, the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed to conduct these investigations. Knowledge acquisition has improved our projects and their outcome.
we specialize in the private sector beacuse of its essential role in detection, prevention, mitigation, and investigation of cybercrime because it predominantly owns and manages the critical infrastructure in countries and is one of the primary targets of many cyber-dependent and cyber-enabled crimes.
ICIEU assists victims of scams make full recovery, We have investigated various scams including romance scams, credit card scams, banking fraud, holiday scams, identity theft, payment in advance scams, cash machine fraud, investment scams and cheque scams.
We specialise in aiding your business with the enterprise solutions by assisting with identifying and putting in place robust business technology, our resources, network infrastructures, unmatched DDos attack protection and TCO is the right-fit for you.
Frameworks to assist public and private sectors in enhancing their cybersecurity postures. for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, which provides guidelines, standards, and best practices to assist public and private sectors in improving their cybersecurity posture.
Our Feature
ICIEU is a platform that encourages the reporting of cybercrime
and assists the rehabilitaion of victims utilizing frameworks to
enhance their cyber security posture.
The framework has also been adopted and/or adapted by private
companies and organizations within the United States, and some
other countries.
Our Staffs
Our Clients
Completed Projects
Running Projects